Words from Teachers

Message from former principal Mr. Tam Siu Ping, George 

Ten years ago, a very important need was identified and in the cherished spirit of Wah Yan as ‘men for and with others’, 

students and teachers responded to form the indispensable big brother scheme - JASERs.

That need was to help their younger brothers when they first entered Wah Yan to adapt, to feel valued, and to bond with their

new environment and new classmates. The JASER acronym begins with ‘J’ for Joy as the senior students help their younger 

brothers to find joy in themselves, in each other, and in God. ‘A’ is for Advice as they counsel and guide the junior students to 

deal with their many academic demands and emotional needs. ‘S ‘for Share emphasizes that the senior students can use their

experience to impart their reflections totheir younger counterparts as they embark on the next stage of their learning and 

development. ‘E’ for Encouragement means that younger students are offered support, friendship, and compassion when 

needed. Put all those letters together and what we have is a dynamic, caring group of individuals who give their time and help

to those in need.

Now that we are in the tenth year of JASERs, it has been wonderful to see those who were once recipients of such guidance,

taking on a responsible role a few years later, and becoming the ones to offer help to others. With a team of dedicated teachers,

students from Form 4 develop essential leaderships and communication skills, as well as sense of service and empathy. I am 

proud to have this organization in Wah Yan College and I know that so many of us have benefited from the JASERs. I wish the 

JASERs a very happy tenth anniversary and look forward to many more years of their dedicated commitment and service to 


God Bless,

Principal Tam

13th May 2011

Sharing Miss Pauline Lo

JASER 由當初哇哇墮地,經過一年接一年的傳承下去,轉眼已屆十載的年華。恭喜培育的老師們及參與的學長,JASER 在你們的共同努


JASER 在十年前出現時,是希望作為學長的師兄們能協助新入學的師弟融入校園生活,透過彼此的相處增進師兄弟的情誼,同時亦讓華

仁優良的傳統傳承下去。曾經作為 JASER 的你,是否還記得當初為何肩負這使命?無論你們是否記得,盼望在來年的日子,你們仍能發


Sharing Mr Wong Chi Keung Stephen 



的工作。「大哥哥」亦由第一界大哥哥正名為JASER、大哥哥計劃被稱為JASER Scheme就由當時開始。而計劃亦加入了對大哥哥



第1, 對JASERs職前三日二夜的訓練;調校期望、增加對工作的了解和建立團隊。JASER是有要求、有鮮明目的和群體性的工作。

第2, JASERs通過持續的接觸和關懷,使中一學生更能適應校園生活、給予他們一個好的榜樣。關懷和作榜樣是很核心的。

第3, 學期中的每個月JASERs要為他們的體會、反省和學習紀錄下來,與同工和導師分享。希望能在反省中沈殿些幫助成長的東


第4, 每組由一位導師協助,加深JASERs的學習和反省。


Sharing Mr Fung King Hung Anthony 


  我與JASER結緣的生活點滴 Mr. Nelson Dai









尤記起我為第五屆JASER的日記寫上的一句話: “Experience isthe Best Teacher” 生活很多時都不是一蹴即至,而是一點一滴的累



 “The Spirit goes on and on……”

Sharing Mr Ivan Hau

The JASER scheme or Big Brother Scheme is one of the most meaningful activities in Wah Yan. It demonstrates the fraternity love 

passing from seniors to juniors, from one generation to another. When I started to study in Wah Yan some twenty years ago, I did 

feel the care of some senior students from time to time, but there was not a formal scheme or a formal team of students dedicated 

to such helpful activities.

I was lucky and honoured to be a JASER advisor for two years (07-09) since I returned to teach here. I couldn't say I contributed

 much but I did learn a lot from the experience. In particular joining the JASER training camp and all the adventurous games with

 those energetic JASERS and teacher advisors make me feel very young again.

I think it does not take a perfect guy to be a JASER (or a JASER advisor), just like we don't have to be very capable before we can 

offer help to those in need. We understand ourselves better and just grow together with our little brothers.

Mr Ivan Hau

Sharing Mr Alan Chan

JASER scheme是一個對我影響很大的scheme。記得2019,我剛剛加入華仁,在首個上課日之前已經被安排到JASER TRAINING CAMP,所以是我對大家留下第一印象的地方,我首次見證到華仁特色既教育,就係比一班大J去搞一個training camp,通常搞camp呢啲野一定會係老師負責,因為更加可控同埋由一班冇搞camp經驗既學生負責,其實會花費十分多時間,但我地都一直堅持呢個practice係因為覺得可以令傳承更完整同埋令學生有更多學習同成長。另一樣我經歷既係完左個camp第一日之後戴sir insist要同大J debrief,但當年既大J唔肯,事後佢地其實相當後悔,令我見識到learning from failurelearning from success有時意義更重大。

到後來我比較in charge呢個scheme,我擔當更多工作同要負起責任。由BOOK CAMP,CAMP, PLAN 活動,開例會,中期檢討等等都需要COMMITTMENT。但我十分相信呢D環節都係成個scheme不可或缺既部分,亦令成個scheme變得有溫度,建立到brotherhood同時承傳到人與人之間既關係既成功要素。

最後,我覺得JASER scheme係一個你比幾多就會收幾多既scheme。你有付出時間心機落黎,自然會有對應回報。希望各位JASER可以do the right thing, not the easy thing。最最最後,希望十年,二十年後既JASER scheme都可以繼續承傳到呢份華仁獨有既兄弟情,延續呢一團火。

Mr Alan Chan